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2 min read
Balance Your Chakras
Balancing your chakras doesn't have to cost any money or take a lot of time. Here is a way to balance your 7 main chakras. After you have...

4 min read
Are you a Complainer?
Are you a complainer? Everyone complains at times but frequent complaining isn’t helpful to you or those around you. Here are some tips...

2 min read
Did You Lose Your Voice?
Chances are pretty good that somewhere along the line you lost your voice. Most likely this happened as a child. Maybe your parents...

2 min read
My Daily Spiritual Practice
I’m often asked about my spiritual practice, so here is what I do every day as part of my spiritual practice. What I do changes based on...

4 min read
How I found the right path
Do you feel like there is more to life than what you are experiencing? Perhaps you find your job unfulfilling and you know you are meant...

3 min read
7 Signs it's Time for a Career Change
6:30 am Monday, your alarm goes off, you hop out of bed, excited for the work day! As you drive into work you happily hum to yourself;...

2 min read
Are you making decisions based on fear?
Here’s what to do about it. “I've learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps...
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